Sunday 13 December 2009

Phase 1 of front cover

After I completed my preliminary task of making the front cover and contents page 0f my school magazine, I moved on to cutting out the main image that is going on the front cover of my music magazine. I done this by using the magnetic lasoo whilst I was zoomed in close so that I was able to get a smooth outline of the picture, after I had to rub around any rough edges to make the picture look smoother and more professional.

I was also required to use the burn tool in some circumstances to make places of the picture look darker because they were too light. After Cutting the image out I pasted it into photoshop, I then found a background on the internet that I thought would look good. After inserting the background I then created the mast head and strap line. However I have not completed the mast head as I want it to be red and also the cover lines will be a different colour and some certain words will be larger .

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