Sunday 13 December 2009

In this lesson I was able to complete my contents page for my music magazine, in my proposal I think I said that I would include a border around the edge of the page, and as you can see I have put a white border around the whole page. The contents page consists of main interviews and pictures of the groups or artists, underneath each picture is some information about the interview and also the page reference.

Any important information I have highlighted in bold and red, attracting the reader and hopefully making them look at this first and wanting to go on and read the whole magazine.

1 comment:

  1. This is the only page that I think could be improved on, as compared to the Front Cover and Double Page Spread, both of which are extremely well done and professional looking, it is very empty and has a lot of unnecessary space. I also think that the pinky purple background in the image of "JLS" clashes a little with the images colour scheme, and could possibly have been edited to fit in a little more.
