Sunday 13 December 2009

Double page spread

In the next lesson I began my double page spread on Adobe InDesign. I had to cut out the four images that I want on the double page spread out just like what I had done before on the front cover. After cutting them out I put them on to InDesign, before hand I had already decided which colour background to have, which is black so the pictures went on to the black background. In the next lesson I intend to write about each band member and also write a little bit about the band.

I have now completed my double page spread and have checked all the spellings and they all are fine. I have used three major colours, yellow, black and white, I didnt want the page to look too bright, so I put everything on to a black background.

In this lesson I was able to complete my contents page for my music magazine, in my proposal I think I said that I would include a border around the edge of the page, and as you can see I have put a white border around the whole page. The contents page consists of main interviews and pictures of the groups or artists, underneath each picture is some information about the interview and also the page reference.

Any important information I have highlighted in bold and red, attracting the reader and hopefully making them look at this first and wanting to go on and read the whole magazine.

Music Magazine Front Cover Final

In this lesson I was able to complete my front cover. I made the finishing touches to the cover and strap lines by placing one at an angle and the rest on either the left or right. I also changed the colour of the strap lines so that they matched one another. I also had to insert a barcode in the bottom right hand corner, and the issue number went into the top right hand corner.

I struggled to find two or three colours that would work well with one another but I eventually found them, I have got a warm colour for the title of the magazine and I chose two cooler colours for my cover lines and sell lines

Phase 2 of front cover

In the next lesson I added cover lines and sell lines to the front cover. I also changed my font type for the mast head as it looked like the title of a science magazine so I made it look alot scruffier. For the mast head, strap line and cover and sell lines I went on to the dafont website to use fonts from there.

In the cover and sell lines I was making important words stand out by increasing the size of them. On the cover and sell lines I have used the drop shadow tool which makes the writing stand out. On the mast head and strap line I have used drop shadow, inner shadow and outer glow as I want the title to be big and stand out in front of everything else.

Here I have finished the masthead and I am happy with it, and I started including cover lines and sell lines. I was able to get one cover line in place but I wasn't sure on the others because the colours clashed with the title.

Phase 1 of front cover

After I completed my preliminary task of making the front cover and contents page 0f my school magazine, I moved on to cutting out the main image that is going on the front cover of my music magazine. I done this by using the magnetic lasoo whilst I was zoomed in close so that I was able to get a smooth outline of the picture, after I had to rub around any rough edges to make the picture look smoother and more professional.

I was also required to use the burn tool in some circumstances to make places of the picture look darker because they were too light. After Cutting the image out I pasted it into photoshop, I then found a background on the internet that I thought would look good. After inserting the background I then created the mast head and strap line. However I have not completed the mast head as I want it to be red and also the cover lines will be a different colour and some certain words will be larger .