Thursday 15 October 2009

Completion of tasks

This week I was making sure that all of my planning proposals and analysis were all up to date and to make sure that they were all working properly at a good standard.

I put my pictures that may feature in my magazine, onto an A3 sheet of paper so i can refer back to them if I want to view them all at once. I also received back my music magazine proposal with feedback on it so that I can add more to it to get it at a better standard.

I also started making my contents page for my school magazine, I will have to complete this after half term. Over half term I will be making a questionnaire to give me some information on what people would what in their music magazine. I am also going to be drafting the front cover and double page spread.

Thursday 8 October 2009

week 3

Unfortunately, I fractured my wrist on Sunday and didn't come in on Monday to start my school magazine. However I have started to make it today and so far I have decided on the background that I will be using, by using the history brush, and I have also decided on my pictures that will be going on to the front cover. As i am fairly new to Photoshop today I have used only a few tools, these are :
  • History brush.
  • Magnetic lasso - to cut out images